
Underrepresenation of girls in science

Do you think it is important for girls to be involved in science?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yesterday, I sent out my interview questions to a resarch chemist at a labortory and recieved a reply back within hours. She was a very good source for my project. She gave me alot of advice on how to go about entering the science field. I was surprised and happy that she answered every single questions fully and amazed at her passion for her career. I was also able to learn about one of the barriers that women face in the science field which is the choice between career and family. She made me aware that even though there are a lack of women in the science field it may not always be because of the myths or stereotypes but because of the challenges, sacrifices, hardwork, and dedication that some do not have or are not willing to go after. If they dont have it no matter what the gender then they should not be pushed to go into the field.

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