I have finished my webliography and have turned it in. I have done the Did You Know's which even WOWED me. I am know going to move on to the next step and will keep you updated.
1.) What is meants by underrepresentation? 2.)How involved were females in science in the past? 3.)What are the myths about why femalse don't pursue or go far in the science field? 4.)How far in education do women in science go before they leave the field? 5.)Why is it important that females become involved in science? 6.)What are some of the organizations that have been formed to get girls involved? 7.)How are women perceived while in the science field? 8)What is meant by the word barriers? 9.)What are the barriers women have in the science field? 10.) Who are the biggest influences for women who go into science?
Key Terms for Underrepresentation of Girls in Science
STEM- science, technology, engineering, math
Attrition- gradual reduction of the size of a work force that occurs when personnel lost.
Barriers- something that separates by emphasizing differences
Gender bias- unfair difference in the treatment of men or women because of their sex
Impediment-obstacle or something that hinders progress
Leaking pipeline- women are on track to become in top postions but then fall
Myth- a set of often idealized or glamorized ideas and stories surrounding a particular concept; false belief
Phenomenon- a fact or occurence that can be observed
Self-confidence- confidence in yourself and your own abilities
Socialized-to give somebody the skills required for functioning successfully in society or in a particular society
Tenure-duration of employment or of holding a position
Underrepresentation- small number of representatives of something
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